Holy Mackerel! What is this abomination?
Card manufacturers have been including artistically drawn sketch cards in many of their products over the years, and most of them (at least the ones made into actual subsets) are quite good. When you commission with noted artist like Monty Sheldon and Brian Kong you know it'll be top notch.
Unfortunately, it appears that Topps has over-stretched by casting too wide a net. The above Clayton Kershaw sketch card (that originally came to my attention through an blog post by Corky at Pack War) can be found here on eBay. It has the outrageous price of $499 attached to it, and for the life of me I cannot imagine anyone forking over that kind of dough.
Not that it's the fault of the seller. This collector pulled a scarce and super-rare "1 of 1" card, and basically got screwed. A card that could very well have been a showpiece in anyone's collection - should have been - is instead the butt of some terrible joke. Yes, this card is a joke and Topps should never have allowed it to be distributed into their product.
Per Corky, the card appears to have been drawn by a "Elmo Perez," at least that's the best he can make out from the signature on the reverse. Check it out for yourself below.
I shudder at the thought of finding one of these cards by "Elmo" in a pack.
Since this post is on the topic of sketch cards I figured I'd shared some pics of some of the better 2015 Museum sketch cards that have been unearthed so far. After all, I gotta do something to wash out the stink from my eyes. Also, go here to check out the sketch cards that made it into Museum's subset this year.
The below Clayton Kershaw card was drawn by Kevin-John. You can check out the artist website here.
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(eBay Auction Link) |
And I'm very impressed by these next two cards drawn by Dan Bergren.
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(eBay Auction Link) |
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(pic via Blowout Board) |
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LOL. Baseball card equivalent of the "Monkey Jesus" art restoration.