It's good to be a Dodger blogger!
Last night was a treat. For the 2
nd year in a row the Dodger brass invited several Dodger blogs to a free night in a suite.
Last year we only had a handful of blogs show up, but this time around the room was packed. It is amazing how much things change in just a year.

I had planned on writing this post a little earlier today, but -like most of you- I got blindsided by the Manny news. In fact, I had an entire framework constructed in my mind regarding how I would tell last nights story, but I suddenly found my thoughts jumbled. Oh well.
Nevertheless, this mornings disappointment does not trample over the excitement yesterday evening brought. So, I will start anew.
We were once again treated to free Dodger Dogs, the dessert cart, an entire suite to ourselves and some special guest.

As you can see above Dodger GM Ned
Colletti is standing next to Communication VP Josh
Rawitch. Josh is the chief organizer of this event and a clear innovator in his field. His embrace of the blogging community has been great. Ned
Colletti was his normal straight-shooter self. He answered our questions and was direct when he needed to be. Dr. Charles
Steinberg, Creative and Communications VP, had some interesting stories including how Journey's song "Don't Stop
Believin'" has become a staple at Dodger Stadium.

Then, we were left to enjoy the game. And what a game it was. Our hands were wringing as the game remained close up until the 6
th inning. That's when everything went crazy. The Dodgers score 7 runs in the bottom of the inning and suddenly our worry about being this evening jinxes was over. We knew number 13 was ours and we would all go home happy.
Thanks again to Josh
Rawitch for a wonderful evening. Also, I appreciate the folks in the front office for coming by. It is always a pleasure when the team of your obsession shows their appreciation like this. It makes writing this blog all worth it.
Be sure to check out
Orel's post at SOSG about the evening. He did a great job writing about the evening.
Awesome to see you and the rest of the Dodger blogosphere last night. We should all try to hit another game non-officially this year.
ReplyDeleteHey Robert. It was great to see you again. I would be totally up for an unofficial night at the park.