Since I'm on the subject, I thought I would point to a new feature I've added to this blog. It's called the Blue Heaven Calender and it can be accessed either at the bottom on the far right of this blog or on the top center page tab title Calender. This is a calendar listing of autograph opportunities and key events for fans in the Southern California area. I will endeavor to keep this up to date and will add all opportunities available, but don't blame me if I miss some- I'm not Superman, ya now. I will be sticking primarily to Sports related signings, and your tips would be greatly appreciated. Send me an email here. Some are free while others require a fee. Always check with the site (autograph location) or promoter for details. As always all listings are subject to change. Below is what it looks like.
Another more minor change to the blog is the inclusion of a new pic at the header of the blog, on the top right. It is a mishmash of mostly Dodger related cards and memorabilia. Below is a larger pic.

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