The next two cards are RIP cards within the set. They are limited in production (the Andre Ethier below is numbered to 50), and contain a hidden mini card inside of it. All you have to do is pull on a tab on the reverse to reveal the hidden treasure. Over time, some of the cards get "ripped" while other remain in its original prestine shape, so prices can vary widely depending on if your a betting man or not. One thing is for sure, most of the mini cards within RIP cards are much scarcer and therefore worth more than your average card. Anyway, there are 3 Dodger RIP cards available- see two of them below. I have yet to find a Clayton Kershaw to show you.

This is an example of a mini Kershaw card that can be found within a RIP card. Notice that it uses a different photo than the normal base card.
The Hometown Heroes insert set is one of the more common sets in Allen & Ginter. Three Dodgers are represented. See them below.
Andre Ethier, Hometown Heroes, #38
Matt Kemp, Hometown Heroes, #84
I know of only two Dodger relic cards within this years set. It includes a uniform piece of Ethier and a bat cards of James Loney.
Framed Relic #AGR-AE, Andre Ethier
Framed Relic #AGR-JL, James Loney
Kershaw RIP card: